Payday 2 free for ps4
Payday 2 free for ps4

Without a doubt Payday 2 is – at its core – designed and intended to be played by a co-op team who’ll have each others back and communicate through-out a heist. Really, you are going to want to head online and play with some other humans because the AI that you get teamed up with can make for a frustrating time. Replayability is also a key feature and even when you have failed and sent back to the planning screen, you get the drive to push back into the level and take on a new tactic. The expanse of jobs you can choose from is impressive and means you can try your skills out in many different ways. Low level players may find themselves sidelined, however, and it can be frustrating to find the lack of users who will take a chance with you. Having run the gauntlet of seeing a game launch, multiplayer options seem to be running smoothly and allows you browse the network, selecting jobs without much hassle or interference. There are plenty of options that allow you to sink money into certain objects or intel that can help you complete the mission. So the best way to handle things is to plan properly ahead of time. Most levels won't reward you for running in all guns blazing and while learning a location is always fun, having to constantly explore one place because you keep running into unwelcome attention can get a little boring.

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This has its own drawbacks but if you have friends interested in trying out the title, you could be onto a winner.

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This a team-based game at heart and you must be ready to join strangers online to complete the more rewarding levels. Things start small, and really that's what you're aiming for, take on something big and you may find yourself ill-prepared.

Payday 2 free for ps4